Deanna Abrash

Photo of Deanna Abrash
United States
University Of Notre Dame
University Of Cincinnati
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
Books, Film Scores, Horror
  • Deanna brings practical experience from the film and music industries into her writing, given her prior work in development rooms, on set, and in post-production.
  • She has written and edited professionally for over a decade, including contributions to entertainment sites such as MuggleNet and The Book Trolley.
  • Her love of fantasy and folklore led her to co-author "The Unofficial Harry Potter Bestiary," highlighting the creatures of the "Harry Potter" series.


Deanna was the kid who loved talking and writing about books just as much as she loved reading them. Her interests quickly expanded to cover films, music, video games, and more, and she got her professional start writing book and game reviews for several outlets. She took a detour into the entertainment industry for work in sound, story development, and publicity, but she returned to the writing and editing world as a ghostwriter for several screenplays and books, spanning sci-fi, historical fiction, self-improvement, and business. When she's not reading or writing, you can find her learning languages, dancing, or playing video games.


Deanna has a Bachelor of Arts in music performance and film production from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelor of Music in commercial music production from the University of Cincinnati. She also holds an MBA from the University of Cincinnati and a professional certificate in cybersecurity from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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